Jarvis WordPress Theme Styleguide

1 #Blocks Blocks

These classes can be used to modify blocks in the WordPress editor. You can add these classes to the Additional Class section in the advanced panel on the block editor.

Most commonly I imagine they will be added to paragraph blocks but the styles will work on any block.

Source: assets/sass/style.scss, line 32
Default styling
The common shadow border.
A less common dashed border.
<div class="[modifier class]"></div>
Source: assets/sass/lib/theme/_alt-blocks.scss, line 116
This is the intro to a block and it stands out really nicely I think.
<div class="block-intro">This is the intro to a block and it stands out really nicely I think.</div>
Source: assets/sass/lib/theme/_alt-blocks.scss, line 102
Default styling
Info relevant to the block goes in here!
This is an information block.
Info relevant to the block goes in here!
This is a help block.
Info relevant to the block goes in here!
This is an alert block.
Info relevant to the block goes in here!
This is a success block. Well done!
Info relevant to the block goes in here!
This is an error block.
Info relevant to the block goes in here!
This is an announcement block.
Info relevant to the block goes in here!
<div class="[modifier class]">Info relevant to the block goes in here!</div>
Source: assets/sass/lib/theme/_alt-blocks.scss, line 2